Our buying staff are dedicated to servicing your needs and to assist you in the selling of your Vehicle.
We can purchase your vehicle outright or offer your vehicle on consignment through one of our auctions.
Does your vehicle have finance owing on it? Is your vehicle nearing the end of a Novated Lease or Company Lease and have a residual to pay?
No problems, you can sell the vehicle and we will payout the loan or lease from the proceeds.
There are several ways to get started;
- To sell a car, call Peter anytime on 0407 597 944 and for Trucks and Plant, call Shanna on 0431 903 001
- Call our office on 02 4956 2111
- Complete the form below and click submit at the bottom and one of staff will call you
- Bring your vehicle to our Valuations Office at 47 Munibung Road, Cardiff NSW 2285