Valley Motor Auctions (The Company) are engaged in the acquisition and
disposal of vehicles, equipment and general items.
Personal Information is collected for the following purposes:
as required by law
to allow the company to obtain feedback on it’s internal processes
to ensure our customers are aware of all of the other services available
to ensure that where possible, the company is able to satisfy the purchasing
requirements of our customers.
When collecting personal information an individual can elect for the
information not to be used for:
the company to obtain feedback on it’s internal processes
to ensure our customers are aware of all of the other services available
to ensure that where possible, the company is able to satisfy the purchasing
requirements of our customers.
Personal Information is only retained for the purposes set out above.
All personal information is secured against access by anyone not required to
use the information.
All personal information collected is only for the use of the Company and it is
understood that it may be disclosed to another company within the group, but at
no time will personal information be disclosed to an external party without the
customer’s written consent.
At all times, the company will endeavor to maintain the accuracy of the
information collected and up date it where possible. To assist us in this
process all customers are encouraged to verify the accuracy of the information
held and where necessary correct any inaccuracies.
The company does not require any information of a sensitive nature. Information
that may be required by law from time to time will be secured by encryption and
will not be available to those using the information within the company.